Snow Shoe Training Hike

Snow Shoe Training Hike

I managed to get in one more training trek before my race on Sunday.  And, lucky for me I had 3 four legged friends to keep me company on my way up Loveland Pass.  Tatum was happy to take the lead, guiding us up to 12,500 ft.  Of course she couldn’t resist running back to check in with us and rub in the fact that she was so far ahead. 🙂

Peachy followed close behind with the same adventurous spirit and gusto to make it to the summit with no problem.  Bowser, on the other hand, proved to be the baby of the group.  Rather than taking on the expected role as “the man”, he made it very clear that he was not up for the challenge.  Bowser managed to vocalize his frustrations all the way up with slight cries…  stopping on occassion to point out the snow/ice building up in his paws.

I made a point to stop and check in with Bowser as needed, to be sure there were no real issues.  With a backpack full of Trail Dog Treats, I was determined to keep my training partners healthy and energetic.  It worked!  We all made it.  But, unfortunately, were forced to turn around approx 100 feet before hitting the actual summit.  Zero visability. 

As soon as I gave the dogs the “okay” to turn around and head back down, they were all off and running.  Full speed! 

With at least 2 feet of fresh powder, the trip down couldn’t have been more fun…  sliding and romping through the snow with three happy dogs, only stopping when falling. 

To get a better feel of the view from the Continental Divide, check it out on a clear Summer day…

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